You may assume that a DUI charge relates to driving while under the influence of alcohol. However, you can be charged with DUI while driving under the influence of any substance that may impair your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. If Missouri authorities believe that you are impaired by a controlled substance, you […]
Missourians recently voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by passing an amendment to the Missouri Constitution. What does this mean for you or your friends? When you can roll The amendment takes effect on December 8, 2022, but you won’t be able to legally purchase marijuana from a licensed dispensary until February 6, […]
If you’re like most parents in Missouri, you want to do everything in your power to keep your children safe. One way to do that is to talk to them about prescription drug sharing. Many kids don’t realize the dangers of sharing prescription drugs with their friends or family because, to them, their intentions are […]
3 times you may have reason to question a breath test’s results Physical evidence, like chemical evidence, can help the state build a compelling criminal case. It is certainly more convincing than eyewitness testimony. When it comes to accusations of drunk driving, breath tests are the most common way for police officers to collect chemical […]
The legal drinking age in Missouri is 21. However, peer pressure and social settings make underage drinking a common occurrence. What consequences could you face for this? Academic consequences If you are a student, underage drinking could impact your academic career. You could get placed on academic probation. You may have your student aid revoked. If you’re […]
For the third straight year, The Law Office of Adam Woody has been included in the U.S. News publication of Best Lawyers’ “Best Law Firms.” Recognition by Best Lawyers is based entirely on peer review. The methodology behind it is designed to capture, as accurately as possible, the consensus opinion of leading lawyers about the professional […]
How Alcohol Affects Your Body Alcohol 101, Part 2 Welcome to Part 2 of our three-part series on everything you need to know about alcohol. This second part explains the different effects alcohol has on your body, covering topics like why drinking can make you crave junk food and make it so hard to […]
How Your Body Breaks Down Alcohol Alcohol 101, Part 1 This is Part 1 in what will be a three-part series on everything you need to know about alcohol. This first part explains how your body processes alcohol. The second and third parts will go into the effects of alcohol on your body and […]
Do Wine, Liquor, and Beer Affect You Differently? Uncovering the truth behind the effects of different types of alcohol Every drink comes with a story. One friend claims that champagne goes straight to their head, while the other whines about feeling gassy after three beers. For some, red wine is a one-way ticket to […]
Just like everything else at the start of the pandemic, the U.S. justice system grinded to a halt in an attempt to wait out the storm. Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that COVID was going to stick around, so the U.S. was forced to resurrect the justice system by turning to a media they recently […]