A recent Springfield case has again started the age old debate of “when can a person protect themselves in their own home?” This freedom to protect oneself in their home is more commonly known as “the castle doctrine”. The Springfield CBS affiliate, KOLR10, recently tackled the topic in a news story where they interviewed attorney Adam Woody […]
Just last week, the Springfield ABC affiliate, KSPR, did a story featuring Springfield, Mo. criminal defense attorney Adam Woody on potential revisions to the Castle Doctrine. We posted a previous blog article regarding the Castle Doctrine in Missouri on July 16, 2014. The Missouri Legislature is yet again hoping to expand upon the provisions of […]
Adam Woody was featured on the Springfield, Mo. CBS affiliate KOLR10 to discuss the “castle doctrine”. The “castle doctrine” is essentially the legal right that everyone has in Missouri to defend themselves or another person when someone comes into their home unlawfully. The use of force in that situation can be deadly force if the person using force […]