According to a recent Springfield News-Leader article, DWI arrests in Springfield have gone down since Uber became operational in Springfield 4 months ago. See the News-Leader article below. (Photo: News-Leader Illustration) When Missouri lawmakers passed a bill this session making it easier for ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft to operate in the state, they lauded […]
We all know that if someone is arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, they will be required to take a breathalyzer test, usually later at the police station. And this test result will be the primary evidence used against him in a drunk driving case. The first problem with this is that the amount of alcohol […]
Many consequences could come out of being accused of drunk driving. Multiple factors impact what specific things a person who has had DUI charges brought against them could face if a conviction is ultimately reached in their case. This is because each state has its own particular laws regarding drunk driving, including what actions […]
California Man Fights DUI Charge for Driving Under Influence of Caffeine San Francisco, CA. Dec. 24 – Caffeine may be the “nootropic” brain drug of choice in Silicon Valley, but an hour’s drive north in Solano County, California, the stimulant could get you charged with driving under the influence. That is according to defense […]
Over the past several months I have discussed in detail the various field sobriety tests that police officers utilize during their investigations of DWI’s. Today is the final installment of the series with what is typically the final field sobriety test conducted roadside, the One-Leg Stand Test. Obviously, standing on one foot for up to 30 seconds […]
“If I am pulled over and an officer asks me to take field sobriety tests (FST’s), I have to comply” False. Failure of FST’s is a strong piece of evidence for the government. Many people cannot pass these tests, even when having nothing to drink at all. When you take these tests you are, in […]