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Criminal Defense Blog

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Breathalyzer Results in Missouri DWI Cases May be Thrown Out

Feb 28, 2014

All Driving While Intoxicated cases have two separate aspects: the administrative portion of the case and the criminal portion of the case.  As we all know, the breathalyzer result (BAC) can be an important part of DWI cases and can impact both the administrative and criminal aspects.  On the criminal side, state or city prosecutors […]

US Supreme Court to Decide if Person Can Be Stopped Based on Anonymous Call

Jan 23, 2014

On January 21, 2014 the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) heard oral arguments in the case Navarette v. California.  In that case an anonymous caller dialed 911 to inform the police that a person was driving recklessly and had almost ran the caller off the road.  The caller provided only a vague description of the vehicle. […]

DUI and DWI True or False

Jan 9, 2014

“If I am pulled over and an officer asks me to take field sobriety tests (FST’s), I have to comply” False. Failure of FST’s is a strong piece of evidence for the government. Many people cannot pass these tests, even when having nothing to drink at all. When you take these tests you are, in […]