Adam Woody weighs in with local CBS affiliate KOLR 10 regarding the 2006 murder conviction in Dallas County of Brad Jennings. Jennings’ conviction was overturned by a Phelps County Judge earlier this week following his attorneys filing for a writ of habeas corpus. A Writ of Habeas Corpus is a petition against an agency holding someone in custody. Once a Writ of Habeas Corpus is filed, the courts must show a valid reason for a person to remain in custody. Click here to learn more about the story and what a Writ of Habeas Corpus could mean in Brad Jennings’ case.
New evidence was discovered in his case, casting serious doubt as to the validity of the jury’s verdict. Had they heard the evidence that had been withheld, there is a strong possibility that the outcome would have been different. The granting of a Habeas petition is exceedingly rare, making this story so fascinating.