Having a “driving while intoxicated” charge on your record could seriously hinder future endeavors. It may be hard to get a good job, an apartment or even a loan. Thankfully, drivers in Missouri often have the opportunity to have this charge expunged from their record. This means it will not show up on background checks. There are certain requirements that must be met, however.
Missouri state law has a specific statute regarding DWI expungement. It falls under the same category as misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies. In order to have the charge expunged, it must be the driver’s first — and only — alcohol-related driving offense. Similarly, you cannot have any alcohol-related driving charges pending. Second, you must have been charged with a misdemeanor, not a felony. The charge must also be at least 10 years old in order to be considered.
If the expungement is granted, the driver essentially gets to start over record-wise. The state essentially eliminates the charge as if it never happened. In some states, drivers must legally answer “Yes” if an application asks if they have ever been charged with a DWI or DUI. But in Missouri, you can truthfully answer “No.”
For someone who made one unwise mistake in their younger driving years, Missouri’s expungement laws are a boon. For drivers who are currently facing a misdemeanor or criminal charges for driving while intoxicated, it may be beneficial to contact a criminal law attorney immediately. They may be able to fight the courts on your behalf.