In fear of failing a breathalyzer test, many people over the years have tried and failed to successfully discover a means of being able to cheat the test. Many urban legends exist as to how one can actually consume a level of alcohol which is over the legal limit yet still pass a breathalyzer test when stopped by the cops. However, no matter how believable these “success stories” may sound, you can bet that they are actually false.
A common misconception is if the alcohol cannot be smelled from your breath, then you will not fail a breathalyzer test. This had led to people drinking alcohol which left a minimal odour on your breath or chewing gum or mints to hide the smell of alcohol in the belief that would pass should they be pulled over for a breathalyzer test. Unfortunately, the smell of alcohol on your breath will do nothing to affect the results of the test. A breathalyser will still be able to discover your blood alcohol content.
Similarly, if you think a mouthful of mouth wash or some breath spray will do the trick, think again. Most mouthwashes and breath sprays actually contain levels of alcohol so essentially, all that you will be doing is further adding to the level of alcohol in your system. Another common urban legend involves sticking pennies or one cent coins under the tongue to try and cheat a breathalyzer test. The general thought beyond this claim is that the copper in the pennies or coins can somehow counteract the presence of alcohol. This however is completely false – and in fact, U.S. one cent coins are actually largely made of zinc. In truth, you are probably just putting yourself at risk of choking on coins or absorbing dangerously high levels of zinc!
There have also been many bizarre stories about how one can successfully cheat a breathalyzer test by stuffing crazy things in your mouth. Do not even bother putting yourself through the embarassment and hassle of doing such a thing because you will undoubtedly still fail the test. Although you might provide a source of amusement for your arresting police officers! Despite what people may think, stopping off for some fast food and a coffee will not affect the results of the test either. It may satisfy your intense hunger or thirst but absorbing food or drink will not lower your breath alcohol levels.
Finally, holding your breath before taking the test or belching into the device are also believed to be “successful” ways of cheating a breathalyser test. Unfortunately guys, this is merely an urban myth. By holding your breath before the test, you could actually be even allowing further amounts of alcohol to enter your lungs which can result in a higher reading.
Do you know what the only truly successful way of a cheating a breathalyzer test is? Abstaining from alcohol before driving! Do not ever try to “guess” if you are over the legal alcohol limit to drive. If you intend on having a drink, you need to bring a personal breathalyser with you to test yourself before deciding whether to drive home. If your reading is over the limit, it is time to start flagging down a cab.